Tuesday 2 October 2007

OH YES.... i forgot to rant..

Okay this is juicy, so i can already sense hands being rubbed together in glee..

on Sunday (last day of sept) i went into chapel and stood at the back for a bit.. cause my usual spot was filled and i didn't really want to go into the front.. I thought I'd wait till the YPMS kids cleared out or something.. (I didn't know there was no YPMS that day la).

So some woman comes up to me and starts talking.. To be honest I wasn't paying attention to her. I thought she wanted to stand at the back too.. I was paying attention to the lyrics anyhow.

She kept looking at me and talking, and when I turned to her she was saying

'somethingsomethingblahblah... there was a comment that people are standing at the back, and its not very nice okay. so can you go to the front"

and she was just looking at me.

WAH. I tell you. I held her gaze for a full ten seconds. I wanted to tell her exactly how fat she was, how lousy her dressing was, how stupid she sounded and that she also forgot to say good morning. It is extremely amazing how fast your mind can fly, when you have such unholy motivation.

On second thought I should have just asked her how to receive Jesus. She would have fainted if she had realised that she might have been talking to someone NOT from church circles.

Anyhow after i held my gaze and gave her the most intense glare of my life, (note that I am a
full head taller than her and i'm not that tall), i just said okay, and walked forward.

However thats not the point. Its how you say things. She didn't even have the decency to smile. She didn't start with a good morning, or end with a thank you.

Anyhow.. the whole stupid incident left me feeling angry for the whole of the fast songs... wah.. i just stood there and fumed and fumed. i wanted to trip her, throw eggs at her, break some bones, bribe kids to walk to her and go "ARGH!! scary woman!!! mommyyyy!!!!"

She knows absolutely nothing about me, let alone know me.

Then it hit me. There are a 2 ways to get through the next few minutes. Fume, or forgive. I'm no saint here, it took me like ten minutes to start praying and tell God.. i'm going to forgive her, and i'm not going to pursue the matter.

That was when i really relaxed, and I was able to sing.. and let go.. and Ross Paterson was right, Matt did a great job of worship leading *appreciative applause*.

the next question is how i'm going to get through the next few sundays. It will take more patience, and more forgiveness.

So if any of you read this.. I suggest that if some wierdo comes up to you while you're leaning on the wooden panels on sunday, smile widely, shake his/HER hand and say "Peace, brother/SISTER. Good morning."

argh just talking about this makes me sian

Anyhow. I wonder if i actually passed that test. I did manage to calm down, and absorb the sermon and everything, but maybe there was something else i could have done.

Suggestions? leave some comments or leave a tag.

Onwards to Christlikeness.



anyhow.. here's a picture of the quiet Year 1 Physics lab at 11 in the morning..

It's actually quite serene, with the lights off and sunlight streaming through the windows. Maybe its a relative thing cause i'm trying to cram probability. AH BACK TO WORK

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