Friday 19 October 2007


Okay.. My midterms are over.. for now..
There's still one or two lurking around.. I don't have the energy, or the heart, to check when they occur..

Anyhow.. My Analysis test today was unexpectedly good.. I don't know.. I made mistakes (as usual) but somehow it seemed that the work I put in through the semester started to show through.. and i managed to think analytically (which i suppose is one of the things the module is trying to achieve)

So... Tonight has been spent relaxing.. doing some room clearing.. Doing some thinking, not of the emo kind but of the slow reflection kind.. Its been a good evening..

Oh yes. My coffee ban didn't really work out.. I had two coffees since monday. But those of you who know my coffee addiction would know that TWO is the number of coffees i usually take in a day. So lets keep this going.. I actually feel more awake nowadays.. Thanks for the prayers all...


P.S. oh yes i went for a run yesterday. my legs hurt.. its been too long.. and yes i went for a run the evening before a test.. oh well it worked out..

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