Sunday 7 October 2007

Creation Conference!

Hello everyone... I wanted to post this yesterday, but i was kinda tired..

Anyhow Creation Conference was a blast! It really took my breath away, to see some strong support for Creationist views, when the scientific world is increasingly Evolutionist.

I also got the chance to have a little chat with a Physics professor, Dr John Hartnett.. He gave me his name card and told me to let him know if i ever wanted to do postgraduate studies.. Whoa.. He also said they were always looking for good students.

I wonder if i fit the bill.

But i suppose you guys want to know the REALLY JUICY stuff. The really really fun things that I learned at the conference.

Well for one thing, conference attendees are labelled into 2 types. The faithful and the fallen. HAHA

Faithful - Pamela and my sister

Fallen - Daphne and Yunhui

If you notice the orientation of the photos you'll note i was in the centre, and the next in line to fall asleep haha.. But to be fair it was one of the physics talks and very few people understood what was going on.. It was also one of the late afternoon talks..

Ok ok... You want the proper juicy stuff.

Well creationism is like.. believing what the Bible says. If the Bible says six days of creation, then creation took six days. If the Bible says there was a flood, then there was a flood. The Bible is the authority.. Whether we understand how it all works out, is another thing..

This makes sense if we think about anything else the Bible says. Take salvation for example. We know God loves us, but we can never really comprehend the extent or the kind of love He has for us.. But we know it is there, and we have that faith that His love never fails.

If we take the Bible as truth, we will take the whole Bible as truth..

This means doing away with explanations like millions of years passing in between Day 1 and Day 2 of creation. There was no reason to believe that anything other than EARTH days were implied in the text..

Wow. so much to know.. You know its like I always believed? That creation reflects His glory. This entire universe is the work of His hands.. This conference is like a booster jab for that belief.

Ok thats all I'll write.. I might write more soon..



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