Wednesday 1 October 2008

Combat Action Report

I am pleased to report that I have fought off a bout of flu in 4 days with minimal effects.

Flu was diagnosed based on the patient observing a mucus colour of olive green on day 1 (saturday). Possible misdiagnosis due to green mucus appearing only in left nostril for entire duration. Infection judged to be present.

Treatment was based on a combination of multivitamins and vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C dose was 1000mg on day 1, followed by 2000mg on each subsequent day. On the subsequent days, the 2000mg consisted of 1000mg timed release and 1000mg of Redoxon.

Symptoms were alleviated, the harshest of which were a slightly hoarse throat and a mild headache. Symptoms may have been aggravated by the patient drinking one pint of beer at Rifle Range Road whilst eating rich foods such as satay, chilli crab and watching F1 cars fly around a track. However, patient has had a history of attempting to eat more during bouts of illness. The feast may have had contributed to the treatment. Beer may have had an antibiotic effect.

More research follows.

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