Wednesday 5 March 2008


Ooops I broke a cuvette today in the biophysics lab... I had to wear latex gloves, and i made the mistake of trying to wash two at the same time, and when i turned them over to drain the fluid one dropped into the sink with a sickening crash.. They're not very big, but it just shattered...

The moment I dropped it i went 'oh crap..' and my lab partner was quite surprised i dropped something two inches and it shattered..

The lab demonstrator went 'what happened???'

'Er I dropped one.. Does it cost a lot?'

She was quite wide eyed, then went to get another one, and told me 'try to be careful, they are expensive..'

No other incidents occured, but when i came back to my room and told my roommate he was quite O_O. 'er mel the ones in the biophysics lab aren't made of glass or plastic.. they're made of pure quartz cause some glass and plastics interfere with fluorescence spectroscopy.. one cuvette costs like 300 bucks.'


Good thing they didn't charge me for that...

I think I'll stick to pendulum bobs..

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