Sunday 16 December 2007

Post-camp reflections

We broke camp yesterday.. and there were some disappointments, also some causes for celebration..

I sound emo because i AM emo.. so... yeah..

I served as mentor for my group.. I'm just glad to say that I tried my best to explain what I could.. I saw that the things I bothered to sit down and think through before, all came in useful in teaching..

And not only in teaching.. When I was revising through my reflection session for day 1.. I realised that the Scriptures I was looking through.. some seemed familiar.. some seemed unfamiliar..

All of them ministered to me..

So once again I think i was blessed in that..

As for disappointments.. I think I have shared enough about them to certain people who need to hear them.. So those will be past me..

Something that will stick to me is Pastor Ronald Yow's first message.. On Genesis 32:22-32..

Jacob changed his grip. He realised his wives would not help, his sons would not help, his livestock would not help. He was going to face his brother the next morning, whom he had stolen a birthright from. He took that time alone and he sought God.

Jacob changed his name. Through wrestling with God all night, God gave Jacob a new name. No longer a liar, no longer a thief.. But now he was Israel, the first of a nation. That new name reflected a change in character..

Jacob changed his walk. No longer would he walk in the same way.. He gained that limp.. But he had that new name..

On the third point, something came to me.. It seemed that Jacob was.. scarred.. somehow.. He won that exchange.. but he had that scar.. He had a permanent limp.

How many of us know we have to face that Esau sooner or later? How many of us know that we have to do it sooner or later but have no guts to do it? How many of us know God's direction but are reluctant to move ahead?

Like I said I'm feeling kinda emo.. so there..

Still deep in thought.. So will appreciate any prayers..

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