Friday 12 June 2009

Day Two

Today we hit Napa Valley on a wine tour!!

We hopped onto the tour bus at about 830 in the morning and went to some really pretty places..

The triangular thingie in the right centre are actually rows of vines planted..

Rows upon rows of vines.. They aren't full grown yet, but come october or november they will be bursting with sweetness. Most of the wine sold in the US is made from the common watery kind of grape.. The grapes grown here in Napa valley, however, are of much better quality..

Red wines are aged in oak barrels... Even the kind of oak matters, and some people plant oak trees just for wine barrels.. They go for 1200 USD per barrel!!

We also had the time to go WALK on the Golden Gate Bridge, and it was absolutely breathtaking.

I may have to make some tough decision tomorrow.

Sigh. This completely sucks.


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