Tuesday 4 November 2008


In my blogging, and actually in all human relationships, there is a very distinct straining at two opposite ends.

There is a need to reveal. There is a need to show who you really are, and an underlying need to be accepted.

There is also a need to hide. There are some things you don't think you wanna show. Some thoughts, some actions, some habits.

Balancing the two, is probably a delicate art for anyone less than perfect.

The end state is easy to see. If you do spend enough time working on moving ahead towards doing things God's way and living your life right, there will be very little need to hide.

Or rephrased, its easier to reveal and teach when you've aligned your heart and mind. Maybe in a brute force kinda way, its slightly more forgivable to be stubborn when you're stubbornly right..



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