Friday 11 July 2008


There are times in your life when you KNOW you can't handle certain things. Some things are beyond your power to comprehend, let alone change.

On the outside you shudder and shake, and you swallow past a parched mouth, and try to stand tall.

On the inside you start to wonder whether its all worth it.

But in your head you you hope. you cling on to what you hear.. that it is all worth it.

I'd like to ask all of you to keep my family and I in prayer, as I probably begin the most craziest project of my life...

I want to make an effort to repair my family.

And I guess that isn't even the right way to phrase it...

I don't know.. Right now I have this insane adrenalin rush, where I want to fix it all with my bare hands. But at the same time this mad amount of grief where i wonder how things could have gone so wrong.

I am afraid. I really am, because I have no idea how this all will turn out.. It will probably be no big event or anything of that sort.. but I pray God changes hearts, hopefully starting from mine..

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