Monday 14 July 2008

Cautiously stalking.... planning...... praying...

I just had a long long talk with my mom.. It appears that the storms are looming darker and closer, but I take heart in the fact that the house with foundations laid upon solid rock may be shaken but remains intact. I don't say this with foolish idealism. I say this staring at a whole bunch of crap, in the face.. It could be that things are not that bad. I would however choose to overdo things and do things with paranoid attention to detail.

I know better, however than to get overexcited and act rashly. I already did that once, with probably disastrous results. I stand by what I said, but i should have refined how I did it.

Pondering about that, I realise that this may be an extremely long process. God change our hearts.

Please do keep my family in prayer..

If you realise, I am not writing this stuff because it is a cool way to blog... i can't honestly say I'm a staunch soldier standing tall in the face of all this. I am kinda trembling for the most part, desperately wishing I could hide.. But I sense God's hand in this.. even though I never claim to sense things like that..


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