Thursday 12 June 2008

back from the dead

Hello world... Its been a loooong time since i posted.. and yup its the holidays!

So far i'll be brief since its weird to blog after so long..

Things that have happened since my exams ended:

1) I got my results back.. They're just so-so.. I shouldn't be surprised.. The path i chose is an insane one... Lets continue to push the envelope. (SADISTIC SMILE)

2) I have eaten a lot of buffets! Too many, actually.. I should seriously start running often...

3) I have started doing some reading... I now know partially why my grades are like that... Soooo many gaps in my understanding...

4) Gotten slightly moody, and now better again.. Some things come in waves, and i guess longtime readers will know what i'm talking about.. But no worries.. I'm in control.. (well you're not really in control when a mood hits you, but you try to claw out of it and THEN you are in control)

5) Most importantly, gotten rested and relaxed... Maybe too relaxed... I'm starting some simple plans.. Lets see if they take off...


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