Thursday, 29 January 2009

CNY aftermath

I have only managed to fulfil resolutions 1 and 3 this time...

Well i have like 15 days of CNY right haha...

Made some decisions and conclusions, realised that my initial plans were correct and on course.

As usual, it only takes the courage to complete the task.


Wednesday, 28 January 2009

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's all folks

Thats the end of CNY....

Finally I made it..

Back to my lovely clinical labs and my equations..

I've never felt so at home......

Monday, 26 January 2009

You tell me what to do

What am I supposed to do.

Move out?

Teach them to be human beings?

Instruct them on family ties?

I don't deserve this.

Theoretically I have always told myself that things may happen to you, but you are responsible for your own life, and you have to try to make do, to try and fix whatever happens to you.

Its not that simple.

Friday, 23 January 2009


CNY approaches! but with all my labs piling up it hardly feels like a holiday...

Over this holiday season I resolve to
1) eat as much as I can
2) drink as much as I can
3) sleep as much as I can

that hardly leaves me time for doing my labs...

But I'll think of something..

Have a blessed Chinese New Year everyone!

Thursday, 22 January 2009



i want to die...

Why am I whining? This is not typical of me.


Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Oh no. Oh, no... Not this. Not now.

Just when I thought it was all dealt with, and completely past.

The entire boat threatens to sink again.

I can't risk everything i've built so far...


Under no circumstances.

Not unless the condition is satisfied.

Radio silence.

No contact.


Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Mysteries of the Universe

One of my modules (yes the one with the boring lecturer) is called Nuclear Astrophysics, and the title of the text is The Physics of Stars.

As I start to work through the equations I am feeling an odd mix of awe and dread, that we human beings could dare to approach understanding such huge celestial bodies, and indeed the very processes that create these things.

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful
The Lord God made them all

It is quite humbling that our creation is so intricately connected to the splendour of the stars.

Handmade, friends. We are handmade.


Monday, 12 January 2009

School begins

I am horrified to have learnt that I have an utterly boring lecturer for Nuclear Astrophysics..


I think its a lot of library work for me..

Hopefully the rest aren't so bad..


Sunday, 4 January 2009

Router zhngness

I am proud to declare that I took a bold step of faith and updated my router's firmware with a 3rd-party program. For those of us who have no idea what I just said, I have basically erased the brain of my router and replaced it with a free software. A better one, I might add.

This is like making your Fujitsu pretend to be an IBM. HAHA. (Sorry I don't like Fujitsu)

Anyhow. So after months of worrying whether my router would go into a coma, I took a step of faith and updated my router's brain with a program called DD-WRT.

It does a lot of wondrous things. Most importantly, from the usual 28mW of transmit power, you can up it to a WONDERFUL 251mW. That is an amazing jump.. Kinda guarantees you'll receive a signal almost anywhere at home. Whether your laptop can transmit to the router, however, is another problem.. haha.

However, increasing the transmit power by 2 times does not increase the intensity by 2 times. It increases the intensity by a factor of root of 2. (Basic wave theory here). If you want to double your signal, increase your power 4 times.

I wouldn't recommend transmitting at full blast though. You guys still want kids right? Your own, I mean?



Anyhow, i haven't used many of the functions in there.. but if you're more technically able, then give it a shot. There are a huge number of functions inside.

My router is a trusty (and cheap) Linksys WRT54G version 2.0 router. The firmware works on many routers, even those not under Linksys. Some even allow you to overclock your router, making it do its job faster.. Reducing the time you take between click and webpage viewing.

So give it a shot.. Its not covered under warranty though.

Teching my way to infinity and beyond,